Friday, July 3, 2015

Writing Prompt 1

This week's writing prompt is from a random character trait generator. Write a story about a person that:
-personally believes they are actually an alien
-feels like no shoes they ever wear are comfortable
-served some time in prison and whenever is asked about it always tells a different story
-colors the tips of their hair with washable markers everyday

He looked in the mirror and carefully used the red marker to paint the tips of his blond hair. He leaned back and stared at his reflection and smiled. He did well and she would know how he felt the day he saw her at the grocery store. He sighed. On Ublay, in his real body, he could change his whole body in the blink of an eye to show her how he felt. He went over to the bed and carefully sat down, they just changed the sheets and he didn't want to muss them. He looked at his watch nervously. Only twenty minutes until their date at the cafe. 

Her name was Nina. It was her blue hair that caught his eye. Many Earthlings dyed their hair but few decided to go so boldly from the dull shades of red and yellow and brown. He peered at her, she was covered in tattoos. He approached her cautiously and to this day he had no idea how he made her laugh, let alone get through the conversation without bolting. She asked him to have coffee with her, he agreed. 

He looked at his watch again. Time to go. He sighed and slipped on his black, shiny shoes. He hated shoes. This world was covered in asphalt that would cut and burn feet. He heard the grasses of Ublay were so soft, everyone could walk freely. He locked his door to his room at the Motel 6 and walked over to the cafe. 

She was already waiting inside, He walked inside and she looked up as the bell chimed. She smiled and his legs were jelly as he made his way to the table. He sat down. "Hello".

"Hi, how are you? She could make a simply formality sound like music. "Let's order, yes?" He nodded. 

It took three cups of coffee for him to relax. Caffeine was the equivalent of drinking spirits. He unbuttoned the top of his shirt.  Nina nodded to his collarbone. "I never pegged you for a tat kind of guy."

He looked at where she pointed and saw his triangular tattoo peering out. He blushed slightly. "It was from my time at fed." 

Her hazel eyes widened. "Really? What did you do?" She leaned forward in earnest.

He shifted around in his seat. No one, not even her could find out about the where the secret location of where Ublay's teleportation system was. "I stole some electronics, it was really stupid." 

"Well at least you're honest. What does it mean, it looks like a symbol."

"It's to remind me of home."

The conversation had stalled. She stood up and pushed back his chair. "Well, I should go now. Thanks for the coffee." She smiled. "Maybe I'll see you around."

He slumped back in his chair. Good dates were supposed to last more than the hour they spent, at least according his research. What went wrong? He could never figure out humans, their emotions hidden behind walls of flesh and tissue and bones. As he walked home, he kept his eyes on the cosmos. One day he would be back with his people. One day he would belong. 

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