Thursday, February 25, 2016

God I'm so bad at keeping promises

Hello everyone- yeah I promised I would write more and honestly I should probably stop doing that. Not that anyone of you have any expectations, seeing as like ten people see this blog but still. It's a pretty bad reflection of my character. University is just crazy right now, but seeing as I've been producing a lot of work due to the classes I've been taking you may see some of that here. But no promises.

Monday, February 1, 2016


All he knew was burgers. Cheeseburgers, burgers with tomato, no pickles please, burgers lathered in barbecue sauce. So many combinations in between two buns. He grilled burgers every day, he loved hearing the sizzling of meat and fat commingling with each other. It was calming, the only calm he had was in the beginning of the day when the restaurant was still closed and the kids were at school and his wife was in their apartment vacuuming or laughing it up on the phone, twisting the cord in between her slender fingers. This was his moment of peace, no noise other than the sizzling.